Continuity of generational experience in analysing the meaningful context of education

Russian Academy of Education
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The article actualizes the semantic context of the problems of rapprochement of generations, which is conditioned by socio-cultural dynamics, conflicts between generations, changes in value systems and factors that affect it. The article highlights the risks associated with the global transformation of the world community, leading to the destruction of the mechanism of continuity of generational experience. It is specified that one of the risks is the reduction of requirements to the level of education of a person, which can have a number of negative consequences: limitation of personal potential, increase of inequality in society, deterioration of economic prospects. In the context of thinking about the meaningful context of the rapprochement of generations, the components of which are the education of patriotism, faith in justice and a bright beginning, the formation of the attitude to creative work, respect for family traditions, reverence for centuries-old folk wisdom, the author outlines the methodological tools for the renewal of education. The author emphasizes the importance of restoring the mechanism of continuity, transfer of knowledge and experience through the interaction of generations, overcoming the gap in the understanding of young people's own development goals and key life strategies. The need for an expanded understanding of the process of upbringing, the result of which will be the development of new approaches to identifying opportunities for self-development and self-realization of the individual is highlighted.
methodology, development, renewal of educational content, continuity of generations, mechanism of experience transfer, patriotism, network space, e-dependence, digital generation

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For citation

Grokholskaya OG. Continuity of generational experience in analysing the meaningful context of education. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2023;4(5):172-178. (In Russ.). EDN: GYUTIU


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