Application of virtual simulators in the educational process of a military university

Military Educational and Scientific Centre of the Air Force N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
Modern military universities are actively introducing virtual simulators into the educational process, replacing or supplementing traditional teaching methods. These multimedia applications provide cadets with unlimited access to virtual analogs of complex physical equipment, allowing them to conduct experiments and training in a safe environment. The simulators reproduce the details and functions of real equipment with high fidelity, including reactions to user actions. Cadets can practice their skills of working with the equipment to the point of automaticity, simulating various situations, including abnormal ones, without the risk of damaging expensive equipment. The realism of simulators, support for augmented and virtual reality, and a flexible feedback system contribute to effective training and skill development. However, the cost of development and implementation, as well as the need for constant updating, are factors to consider. The developed simulators should have the ability to adjust the complexity of tasks, individualize the learning process, consolidate theoretical knowledge and develop cadets' practical and research skills. The content of the stages of development and realization of virtual simulators is presented. The role of blended learning is emphasized, its principles and advantages are presented. It is proved that the introduction of virtual simulators in military universities significantly increases the effectiveness of education and training of highly qualified personnel.
military university, information technology, virtual simulator, didactic functions, virtual image, simulators

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For citation

Dziubenko OL. Application of virtual simulators in the educational process of a military university. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2025;6(1):21-28. (In Russ.). EDN: JNDCCM


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