The Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers in the methodological recommendations advise the authors to advance their articles before the publication. Much attention is paid to identifiers. In particular, ORCID ID allows accurately identifying the author and avoiding confusion in case of identical names. The personal area in the ORCID system also facilitates the process of tracking the author's publications.
The registration process is free. It takes a few minutes in many languages. Click here to begin registartion:
You can choose your preferred language from the list of supported languages

On the list "FOR RESEARCHERS" click the "Register for an ORCID iD" tab
Fill the form fields and click the Register button:

Then, you get your personal ORCID ID and can enter to your profile page in ORCID
Your ORCID number is on the left, under your name. It has the format:

After registration, indicate your ORCID ID in the data about the Author of the article of the journal "Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal".
Further. You can edit the identification, bibliographic information in your ORCID record. More information about making changes to identification information can be found on the website: