Borders as an indicator of the sovereignty of the psychological space of the individual

Altai State Pedagogical University
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
This article discusses the importance of creating personal boundaries for students of pedagogical universities. The paper examines the types of personal boundaries and related phenomena: psychological (personal) sovereignty, psychological space, sovereignty of the psychological space of the individual, the state of personal boundaries. This goal is achieved by solving the following tasks: studying the main theoretical approaches to describing personal boundaries; identification of typologies, types and functions of sovereign personal space and personal boundaries; analysis of the main factors of influence on the violation of personal space among students. It is especially noted that, taking into account different groups of factors, the main factor can be distinguished - interpersonal relationships, reflecting the relationship between people in groups, as well as intrapersonal relationships, which primarily affect self-understanding and attitude towards oneself. It is emphasized that young people of student age should have a system of human-oriented attitudes, orientations and expectations that develop and change. The main purpose of the analysis of the boundaries of the sovereign space of the individual is the design of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the socialization of a person, the formation of his subjectivity and social competence. Currently, this study is aimed at studying the "zones of proximal development" of the basic concepts, and in particular, the sovereignty of the psychological space, its methodological justification and the selection of diagnostics for empirical confirmation.
personal boundaries, types, sovereign space, psychological space, strength of boundaries

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For citation

Ivanova IuV. Borders as an indicator of the sovereignty of the psychological space of the individual. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2023;4(3):109-113. (In Russ.). EDN: CABWUH


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