Chemical UNO as a variant of multimodal pedagogy in the training of a modern chemistry teacher

Kazan Federal University
Kazan Federal University
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
Modern education strives for interactivity, development of critical thinking, teamwork - all this reflects the requirements to the educational process of students - future specialists. Board games are a tool that can become a bridge between traditional and innovative approaches to learning. Their use in education can make learning more attractive and motivating for students. However, despite the increasing popularity of using board games in education, the research literature on this topic is not as wide as in other areas of pedagogy. The article identifies key trends, approaches, and theoretical foundations of using board games in students' education. The analysis of development and application of UNO author's board game in the educational process is presented. The element of multimodal pedagogy in the format of board game UNO implies non-standard conditions in the organization of group work of students to complicate and expand their motivation. The authors offer an analysis of the adaptation of the developed game “Chemical UNO” for students of pedagogical direction. Scientific novelty consists in the development of the methodology of research of the influence of board games on the development of cognitive and personal qualities of students. The results of the study can be used by students, future teachers of chemistry, within the framework of pedagogical activity as an element of educational and extracurricular work, as the developed tasks are made in accordance with the material of the USE in chemistry on the example of the demoversion for 2024.
chemistry, multimodality, UNO, innovative technologies, student, motivation, board games.
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For citation

Volnova DA, Kosmodemyanskaya SS. Chemical UNO as a variant of multimodal pedagogy in the training of a modern chemistry teacher. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2024;5(4):130-137. (In Russ.). EDN: FPELBZ


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