Cloud services and digital technologies in secondary vocational education institution

SP ACT Оmsk Technical School of Railway Transport
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The introduction of digital technologies in the educational process is a relevant direction in the professional training of specialists of the secondary vocational education system and allows to improve the quality of training, significantly increase the level of competitiveness of future specialists in the labor market, largely helps to create conditions of interactivity in the classroom. It is noted that information and digital technologies expand access to information and make learning more flexible and convenient, allow students to study in free mode, develop computer literacy. The possibilities of cloud technologies and types of their use in the educational process, advantages and disadvantages of their use are analyzed. The types of cloud services are identified: infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, software as a service. It is specified that the spread of digital technologies expands the possibilities of fast and effective interaction of all participants of educational relations at a qualitatively new, high-tech level. The empirical study of students included in the educational process with the use of digital technologies and services showed an increase in the general level of interest in the subject, growth of independence and involvement, increased interest in the practical application of knowledge. Positive changes in students' behavior are also reflected in their academic achievements. There is an increase in academic performance, a deeper understanding of academic material and the ability to solve problems independently.
digital technologies, e-resources, multimedia, cloud technologies, virtual experience online interaction

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For citation

Lysich IV. Cloud services and digital technologies in secondary vocational education institution. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2024;5(4):138-143. (In Russ.). EDN: MDSCYE


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