Development of creative thinking of students by means of project activities

Omsk military cadet corps Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The development of creative thinking is an important component of cadet military education, as military service involves working in variable and sometimes extreme conditions, and military technology is constantly evolving. Creative thinking contributes to the development of leadership skills (ability to innovate, ability to inspire and motivate others, ability to make responsible decisions in complex situations), helps cadets manage resources more effectively in complex environments and make informed decisions based on creativity. The authors present a view on the problem of creativity development by means of group and individual projects in the subjects of social and humanitarian cycle. The results of the study help to understand how to develop creative thinking in schoolchildren so that they can successfully adapt to the rapidly changing world and successfully solve new problems, how to identify the factors influencing the development of creativity in students of the military cadet corps, what exactly are the most effective methods of project-based learning, namely problem-based approach, independence, teamwork, analysis and synthesis of information, availability of research, search for innovative solutions. The principle of selecting a package of diagnostic techniques to assess the level of creative thinking is characterized.
functional literacy, creative thinking, creative project, individual project, research

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For citation

Anisimov DG. Development of creative thinking of students by means of project activities. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2023;4(5):166-171. (In Russ.). EDN: MSCZBM


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