Development of inclusive education in the school

Obshcheobrazovatelnaya shkola № 19 otdela obrazovaniya goroda Kostanaya
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The article deals with the development of inclusive education at school. The author notes the special relevance of this topic, since receiving quality education by children with disabilities is one of the main conditions for their successful socialization, ensuring full participation in society, various types of professional and social activities. The characteristics of children with disabilities who have their own individual personality and qualities that can be manifested during education are highlighted. The features of the organization of inclusive environment in the classroom during schooling are revealed: individual approach, collaboration: cooperation with specialists (speech therapists, psychologists, teachers-defectologists); use of differentiated teaching methods, creation of an atmosphere of mutual assistance, respect and understanding of differences between students. The methodology of inclusive education of children with disabilities in general education school with the involvement of teachers-defectologists and parents has been developed. It is noted that an important element of this methodology is integrated learning. This is an approach in which children with disabilities learn together with successfully developing students in mainstream classrooms and, through a number of conditions, create equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their specific needs. The article may be useful for teachers of general education schools, methodologists, and students of special education.
inclusion, inclusive education, children with disabilities, inclusive education methodology, integration
Список литературы


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For citation

Gabdullina GN. Development of inclusive education in the school. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2024;5(1):8-15. (In Russ.). EDN: NXDQNW


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ISSN 2713-2838 (Оnline)


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