Features of the relationship between accentuations of character and indicators of academic performance and attendance of high school students

Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The article deals with the problem of the formation of character accentuations in high school students and their influence on the processes of education and upbringing. The authors argue that for some schoolchildren, character accentuations can have a negative impact, and for some, a positive impact on school performance. The relationship between character accentuations and indicators of school performance may be different depending on the type of accentuation and the specific characteristics of the student. It is noted that negative manifestations of character accentuations can have a negative impact on school performance, and positive manifestations can contribute to its improvement. As an assumption, it is suggested that at least one accentuation of character can have a specific impact on the ability of a teenager to study and attend classes. The hypothesis of the study lies in the assumption that there are features of the relationship between the accentuation of the nature and indicators of academic performance and attendance among students of the Perm College of Entrepreneurship and Service. The following methods were used in the study: "Methodology for studying personality accentuations of K. Leonhard", as well as the method of document analysis. As a result of the study, the features of the relationship between character accentuations and success rates in the education and upbringing of high school students were established.
character accentuation, school failure, self-control, emotional instability

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For citation

Kostareva KD. Features of the relationship between accentuations of character and indicators of academic performance and attendance of high school students. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2023;4(3):114-118. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.54158/27132838_2023_4_3_114 EDN: JULYNE


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