Intergenerational interactions in the formation of learners value systems

Russian Academy of Education
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The article highlights the risks associated with the global transformation of the world community, leading to changes in value systems and the destruction of the mechanism of continuity of generational experience. The author notes that today in the system of preparing the young generation for life through communicative provocations and technologies of imposing false values on the Internet, the unfavorable content of the ideology of globalism, false liberalism, extremism and neo-fascism is increasingly penetrating. This process contributes to a systemic failure in the key semantic context of education and upbringing of the individual as a whole. The author reflects on the causes and identifies real opportunities to counter destructive ideology and alarming challenges of the modern world, through the organization of educational work with younger generations, forming the spiritual and moral attitudes of the individual, taking into account the orientation on fundamental knowledge and traditional values. Traditional values absorb all the best in the spiritual practice and real life of the human community, act as a basis for stability, interaction and mutual understanding of generations, the foundation for the development of intergenerational ties and, most importantly, creative interrelations of peoples and cultures. The study confirmed that it is the mechanism of transmission of generational experience, the mechanism of continuity and intergenerational interaction is one of the key mechanisms for establishing the meaning and value space of goal-setting in the education of personality today.
continuity mechanism, ideology, globalism, network environment, value systems, traditional values, spiritual and moral attitudes, goal setting, intergenerational ties, patriotism
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For citation

Grokholskaya O.G. Intergenerational interactions in the formation of learners value systems. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2024;5(3):71-77. (In Russ.). EDN: OJEZXQ


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