The system of delegation of authority and distribution of responsibility in an educational organization

Multidisciplinary Academy of continuing Education
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The article actualizes the process of delegation as a phenomenon through which administrative and management personnel, including school principals, delegate part of their authority to their colleagues to perform certain tasks and responsibilities. By assigning them tasks to perform, there is decentralization of authority or management functions, division of responsibilities, tasks within the school and grouping of responsibilities into departments with team leaders to simplify management. The problem is that delegation has been and continues to be a major challenge for many school administrators. In order for an institution to achieve high quality education and good student achievement, the school administrator must be at the forefront of effective school management, utilize a system of delegation of duties that allows staff to bring in new ideas that can contribute to good results at the individual process level, and at the school level. The purpose of the study was to develop a model of delegation and responsibility allocation system in an educational organization that includes target, content-processual, outcome-processual components of delegation. The results of this study will be useful to various stakeholders in education, namely school administrators, teachers, and curriculum developers and planners. The study will enable schools to incorporate the views of all stakeholders in school management. The study will also contribute to the body of knowledge on delegation of responsibilities in schools as well as effective management of educational institutions where performance is prioritized.
delegation, delegation principles, delegation process model, intra-organizational structures

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For citation

Mikhailova V.E. The system of delegation of authority and distribution of responsibility in an educational organization. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2024;5(1):15-21. (In Russ.). EDN: OPRDXB


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ISSN 2713-2838 (Оnline)


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