Use of computer modeling AUTOCAD in the educational process for students of technical directions of higher education institution

Tajik Technical University named after academician M. Osimi
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The use of computer and mathematical modeling creates new opportunities in the learning process. The study of various aspects of computer modeling significantly expands students' understanding of information technology and modern science and technology. This paper discusses the use of AutoCad computer modeling in solving descriptive geometry problems. The presented problems are expressed through mathematical models, and their drawings are performed in the environment of the computer program AutoCad. The use of such a teaching method expands students' interest in teaching the subject and is very useful for engineering students. It is noted that computer graphics can be used in mathematics, physics, biology, stereometry. Independent work in teaching computer modeling is implemented through various types of work: editing, creating animation, developing 3D models, creating interface design. Types of independent work for students using computer modeling are highlighted: development of virtual prototypes, simulation of physical or technical processes, development of technological processes, visualization of mathematical concepts.
computer modeling, AutoCad, teaching methodology, computer graphics, visualization, creating visualizations of mathematical objects.

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For citation

Rakhimov А.A. Use of computer modeling AUTOCAD in the educational process for students of technical directions of higher education institution. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2024;5(2):43-48. (In Russ.). EDN: CMTUEX


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