Organization of children's inclusive recreation: general trends and challenges

Civil Defence Academy of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters
Moscow Polytechnic University
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The article actualizes the social significance of the prerequisites for the formation of an inclusive society, in which the organization of joint recreation of children with special developmental needs and their peers is carried out. It is specified that inclusive recreation is an effective tool for socialization, development of communication skills, creative potential and personal growth of all children. The issues of organizing summer recreation for children with disabilities by different nosological groups in specific regions of the Russian Federation are considered. A detailed analysis of conditions for recreation for children with disabilities, analysis of information on the availability of children's inclusive recreation according to the official document “Unified Register of Organizations”. Children's camps that are not included in the register do not have the right to organize children's recreation. The register includes all camps with round-the-clock stay and day camps where children stay more than four hours a day and have organized meals. It is proved that the regional register is formed by authorized executive authorities in each region of the Russian Federation, but with all the variety of forms of children's recreation specialized institutions ready to accept children with complex pathologies are extremely insufficient. The difficulties in organizing inclusive recreation for children with disabilities are identified: physical inaccessibility of infrastructure, lack of specialized places, low awareness of parents of children with disabilities, uneven development of inclusive recreation by regions, economic barriers. The study of statistics in this area contributes to a deeper understanding of the current situation with children's inclusive recreation in Russia and allows to develop effective measures for its improvement.
inclusive recreation, inclusive camps, children with disabilities, children with disabilities, register of recreation and health improvement organizations, complexities of inclusive recreation

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For citation

Kotova EV, Solovey LB. Organization of children's inclusive recreation: general trends and challenges. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2024;5(4):113-122. (In Russ.). EDN: FFAYXA


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