Professional development of teachers in the conditions of work in general educational organizations

Southern Federal University
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The article investigates the professional development of teachers in the conditions of work in state organizations. Special attention is paid to the study of motivating and demotivating factors affecting the professional development and self-development of teachers in the modern education system. The article discusses in detail the causes of teacher's lack of motivation, including factors of the state level, educational environment and personal factors. The results of the analysis of the peculiarities of the teacher's work in the conditions of general educational organizations are presented, the difficulties faced by the teacher are considered in detail; the teacher's lack of perception and understanding of the benefits of the process under consideration, the lack of resources of general educational organizations, the unfavorable emotional climate within the team and the lack of support within the professional community. Empirical research was conducted to identify the main causes of teachers' professional development problems. Based on the analysis of the results, the author developed recommendations to minimize and eliminate demotivating factors of professional development. A detailed analysis of the causes and their consequences for the education system as a whole is given. The article presents various methods of increasing the motivation of teachers' professional development that contribute to improving the efficiency of the educational process and the quality of education in general. The article details the reasons for specific recommendations designed to combat the lack of interest in professional development. It is proved that the measures of realization of psychological and pedagogical support of teachers at different stages of professional development are necessary. The author concludes that it is useful to implement the described methods to minimize demotivating factors in general educational organizations.
professional development, motivating and demotivating factors, general educational organization, professional community, professional events.

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For citation

Lineva IL. Professional development of teachers in the conditions of work in general educational organizations. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2025;6(1):14-19. (In Russ.). EDN: IUHFQI


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