Modern approaches to civil engineering education in the context of digital transformation of the industry

Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
Based on the analysis of modern civil engineering training, the article shows that its improvement is required in the conditions of digital industry transformation. The components of engineering education, which are necessary for training engineers of a new type, capable of working in new technical and technological conditions, are given. It is shown that BIM-technology requires that students' education should be oriented to collaborative work, as the creation of a BIM-project is the result of collective activity of specialists of related fields. To form the ability to carry out joint work on the project future designers should at the stage of training in the university. For this purpose it is necessary to implement an interdisciplinary approach based on the convergence of pedagogical ideas related to digital technologies in the process of design and operation of construction objects, which will allow in the framework of training students of construction universities to carry out practical interaction with developed in terms of the application of digital technologies design companies. The organization of a BIM-technologies major for students of 08.04.01 Construction, based on the joint work of university teachers and practicing specialists of construction organizations is considered. A systematic approach to the implementation of BIM-learning, based on six categories of tasks, specified for the training of specialists in the conditions of digital transformation of the industry is proposed. The authors analyze the key areas of training, including identification of industry needs, development of educational programs and strategies to overcome educational problems (lack of computing equipment, staff shortage, the need for changes in the organization of the educational process). The article is relevant for specialists in the field of construction education and BIM-technologies.
engineering education, digitalization of construction industry, interdisciplinary approach, convergence of pedagogical ideas, BIM projects

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For citation

Mironova LI, Shatybelko MP. Modern approaches to civil engineering education in the context of digital transformation of the industry. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2025;6(1):36-44. (In Russ.). EDN: YKQRXU


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