Exercise as a way to reduce anxiety in higher education students

Samara State TechnicalUniversity
Samara State Technical University
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The article discusses the psychological aspects of anxiety: the concept, types, symptoms, causes of anxiety and the main ways to reduce anxiety. The authors characterize anxiety as an individual feature that can be measured in students of higher institutions by testing and analyzing its results. The dependence of the level of anxiety on the training course is determined. Such an effective method of reducing the level of anxiety in students as a set of additional physical exercises is revealed. It is emphasized that senior students are characterized by a conscious need for health, a responsible attitude to their own health and the health of others. The role of using exercise to preserve their mental health is confirmed by conducting primary and re-testing of an experimental group of students.
psychological health, anxiety, personal anxiety, exercise, rational organization of activities.

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For citation

Tupik YuV. Study of the characteristics of educational motivation of medical college students. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2022;3(4):269-275. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.54158/27132838_2022_3_4_269 EDN: DJZYCF


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