Designing educational space by means of cultural and educational activities of the museum

SP ACT Оmsk Technical School of Railway Transport
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The article considers the necessity of creating a new educational model of museum activity, on the basis of which its interaction with students, teachers, and social partners will be built. This necessity is connected with a number of phenomena: cultural and educational activity of the museum allows integrating educational processes with cultural values and realities, enriching the educational experience of students, cultural and educational activity of the museum can contribute to the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. The principles of the museum design, the tasks of launching the mechanisms of realization of the museum transformation are defined. The new model of museum work is based on the communicative model of museum activity. The main components of the museum activity, directions for designing the museum activity are identified: optimization of the main blocks of the museum organizational structure, organization of public support of the museum, modernization of the museum information support system. The results of the design will be the results of the museum's educational space development: the degree of the museum's educational space development, the educational potential of the museum's space, the manageability of the educational space. The importance of a new format of interaction between students, teachers and social partners is noted, which implies enriching the educational activity of the museum with new didactic and technological tools.
museum, cultural and educational activity of the museum, educational space, museum activity, system-medium component, museum structure

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For citation

Kuznetsova E.E. Designing educational space by means of cultural and educational activities of the museum. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2024;5(3):78-83. (In Russ.). EDN: OSRDAH


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