Features of educational motivation of children of primary school age

Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The article considers learning motivation as a guarantee of successful schooling. A theoretical analysis of learning motivation, its structure and factors influencing its formation is given. The authors place special emphasis on the specifics of the educational motivation of children of primary school age in the modern educational conditions of elementary school, highlighting the main characteristics and aspects of the motivation process. In the course of the empirical study, the methods of N.G. Luskanova “Assessing the level of school motivation”, projective methods, diagnostic methods of the level of self-esteem of the individual, G.N. Kazantseva, tests to identify the motivation of students M.V. Matyukhina, J. Nutten's time perspective test, It is established that children of primary school age have different learning motivation, which is influenced by the student's self-esteem. The relationship between the level of development of positive motivation for learning and the nature of his attitude to school has been established. It has been proved that the structure of learning motivation is also influenced by conscious and unconscious motives, and that motivational phenomena in schoolchildren can have different levels of awareness. It is clarified that it is advisable to form positions that encourage understanding not only the motives, not only the personality of the student, but also the main driving forces of development.
primary education, pedagogy, educational motivation, primary school students, training, motive.

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For citation

Korosteleva NA. Features of educational motivation of children of primary school age. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2023;4(2):51-68. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.54158/27132838_2023_4_2_52  EDN: ATWBAV


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