Features of manifestation of fears in children of senior preschool age

Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The authors present a view on the problem of fears in older preschool children. The task is to study theoretical aspects of the peculiarities of manifestation of fears in older preschool children and to determine the most effective methods for their prevention and correction. To achieve this task, the theoretical provisions of various theories were considered: frustration-aggressive theory, theoretical approaches based on development, cognitive approach, socio-psychological approach. It is especially noted that fears of preschoolers are influenced by psychological features of children of senior preschool age: anxiety, impressionability, emotionality. The specificity of fears in children at this age is determined, the types of fears, which were distinguished by A. I. Zakharov, are considered, and the prerequisites for the emergence of fears from the point of view of three concepts are studied. The results of the theoretical study showed that the fears of children of senior preschool age are the norm, if they are age-related. It is noted that children can also have neurotic fears, which are conditioned by the impact of various external factors and affect the psyche of the child. If the fears of preschoolers begin to seriously interfere with their daily life or cause significant suffering, the child's self-esteem and the level of psychological defense decreases. Based on the results of the study, the techniques of preventing and overcoming fears were identified, the main ones being: play activities and art pedagogy.
children's fears, senior preschool age, peculiarities of fears, prevention and correction of fears

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For citation

Ogoltsova EG,  Beketova EN. Features of manifestation of fears in children of senior preschool age. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2023;4(4):138-143. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.54158/27132838_2023_4_4_138 EDN: BCCFOH


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