Interactive communication in the process of learning a foreign language

Siberian New Millennium School (SNMS) Multidisciplinary Academy of continuing Education
Multidisciplinary Academy of continuing Education
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The article continues to explore effective methods of teaching English through interactive communication and digital resources. Particular attention is paid to the use of interactive video cases to develop critical thinking and a deep understanding of the material in students. The article describes in detail the structure of video cases, including: - branching with different answer options; - illustrated texts and video clips providing theoretical explanations; - the ability to return to the original task and try to answer a clarifying question; - increasing the complexity of tasks for those who have successfully completed the material. In addition, the authors demonstrate the use of another interactive method - analysis of literary works with the creation of presentations. This method promotes the development of logical thinking, teaches you to separate the important from the unimportant and structure information. The results of a diagnostic test conducted to assess the readiness of schoolchildren to independently create texts and presentations in English are presented. The results showed that schoolchildren generally demonstrate the ability to use language tools, but some shortcomings are observed in creating texts based on knowledge of the structural elements and categories of the text. The authors conclude that it is necessary to continue work to familiarize schoolchildren with the features of Russian and foreign language texts, structural elements and categories (features) of the text, features of the type of narrative text and text analysis.
interactive tools, communication, video case, search engines, book presentation, text recognition, method of communicative situations

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For citation

Balandina LA, Mikhailova VE. Interactive communication in the process of learning a foreign language. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2024;5(5):161-166. (In Russ.). EDN: VAKKWC


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