Метод сенсорной интеграции как фактор социализации детей дошкольного возраста с ограниченными возможностями здоровья

Belgorod Institute of Education Development
Belgorod Institute of Education Development
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The article is devoted to the study of the role of the method of sensory integration in the process of socialization of preschool children with disabilities. The relevance of the topic is due to the increasing need for the development and application of effective methods of correction and developmental work with children with disabilities, aimed at the formation of socially adaptive skills. Modern approaches to early diagnosis and correction of developmental disorders in children with disabilities emphasize the complex impact on all spheres of personal development, including the sensory sphere. The purpose of this article is to analyze the impact of the method of sensory integration on the process of socialization of preschool children with disabilities, identifying the basic principles and methods of application in the educational process. The article analyzes the theoretical aspect of sensory integration, which activates the work of all sensory organs to promote the child's development and correct his/her disorders. The method of sensory integration allows to adapt the child to external stimuli, reduce sensory overload and form adequate sensory regulation. The role of sensory therapy in pedagogical practice is considered, as well as its impact on the effectiveness of corrective measures and on the improvement of such parameters as behavior, emotional regulation, motor skills, speech, attention and adaptive abilities. The practice of introducing innovative methods of sensory integration into the rehabilitation of children with sensory processing difficulties is discussed.
sensory skills, sensory integration, speech development, rehabilitation, children with special educational needs

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For citation

Nikitenko IM, Zhogova DV. Sensory integration method as a factor of socialization of preschool children with disabilities. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2024;5(5):174-179. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.54158/27132838_2024_5_5_174 EDN: NRWBLH


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