New approaches and practices of integration of art and culture in the educational process of higher education institution

Kuban State University
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
An important research issue is the correlation of the role of science and art in the life of the young generation. Art as an active creative phenomenon has enormous possibilities of cultural creativity, is able to outpace the current state of consciousness, to have an inverse effect on the life and civilization process. In this regard, the identification of prospects for the integration of art and culture in the educational process and the development of recommendations for enriching educational practice through art are of particular importance today. The article presents the practice of the higher professional institution of Kuban State University, which pays great attention to the ethno-cultural foundations of Kuban - history, traditions, customs of Cossacks, rituals, calendar holidays in Kuban. Traditional forms of artistic and creative activities of students are characterized: drawing, modeling, painting, drawing, studying and analyzing works of art, studying master classes, creative methods that help students develop creative skills, understand artistic processes and cultural contexts. It is determined that along with traditional forms, new approaches and practices of integrating art and culture into the educational process of higher education institution are emerging: research projects, presentation, experiment, interactive exhibitions and installations, which contribute to the expansion of the range of interests, development of thinking, creative imagination, memory, artistic and creative abilities of students.
art, integration of art and culture, research project, artistic creativity, culture, traditions, customs

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For citation

Maltseva LV. New approaches and practices of integration of art and culture in the educational process of higher education institution. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2024;5(3):85-92. (In Russ.). EDN: BPLZIO


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