Проблемы взаимодействия преподавателя и студента в учреждении профессионального образования

Kazan Federal University
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
Productive interaction between teachers and students is essential for effective learning and development of students. It is important for enriching the educational process, stimulating students' active participation in the life of the university and their personal development. It is revealed that positive interaction between teacher and students contributes to improving the quality of learning and creating a favorable learning environment. It is emphasized that during the interaction the motivation for understanding, development of critical thinking, development of social and communicative skills, strengthening of self-esteem and confidence in their own knowledge and skills are manifested. The article makes a logical connection between the concepts of "interaction" and "communication". The functions of communication are defined: pragmatic, confirmation function, intrapersonal function of communication. The study of students' opinions about the types and styles of communication between teachers and students was conducted. The results showed that there is not only the existence of trusting and supportive relationships, but also the presence of communicative barriers, which is a kind of psychological obstacle to the adequate transfer of information between communication partners. The reasons for the presence of communicative barriers are revealed: differences in communicative styles, insufficient attention to aspects of learning psychology, insufficient feedback, emotional tension. The ways of overcoming communicative barriers are identified: common activity and coordination of actions, life creativity, subjectivity and dialogicality, joint activity.
interaction, communication, communication functions, communicative barrier, dialogicality, joint activity

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For citation

Ismailova DO. Problems of teacher-student interaction in a vocational education institution. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2024;5(3):93-98. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.54158/27132838_2024_5_3_93 EDN: QZTNTL


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