Project activity as a means of formation of ethnic tolerance of pupils of the Omsk Military Cadet Corps

Omsk military cadet corps Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The need for the formation of ethnic tolerance has a long history and is related to various historical, social and cultural factors. The article highlights a number of prerequisites: historical conflicts, multicultural society, the need for cooperation and mutual understanding between different ethnic and cultural groups, all this emphasizes tolerance and respect for differences. A special place is given to ethnic tolerance, which is important for maintaining harmonious relations in society, preventing conflicts, creating a multicultural environment and building a peaceful and equal society. The blocks of ethnic tolerance are defined: respect for cultural differences, mutual understanding and dialog, respect for rights and freedoms, non-violence and peaceful coexistence, empathy and understanding. The components of the structure of ethnic tolerance have been identified: cognitive, emotional, activity, and the concept of “ethnic tolerance” has been clarified. The experience of work on the formation of ethnic tolerance in the Omsk Cadet Military Corps, including the formation of each component of ethnic tolerance within the framework of the game event “Multinational People of the Russian Federation” is presented. The realization of the event “Multinational People of the Russian Federation” in the Omsk Cadet Military Corps was represented by four blocks: social science, geography, history, ethnology. The results of the experiment to investigate changes in the cognitive component of ethnic tolerance, conducted within the framework of project activities of students and teachers, showed positive dynamics.
ethnic tolerance, components of ethnic tolerance, social behavior, national identity, project activities

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For citation

Beliavskaia DP. Project activity as a means of formation of ethnic tolerance of pupils of the Omsk Military Cadet Corps. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2024;5(3):65-70. (In Russ.). EDN: XIXPWF


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