Belgorod state national research university
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The article deals with the problem of child abuse at school, which is a serious problem, the relevance of which is increasing in modern society. The problem of child abuse is socially conditioned, which is associated with a complex of factors operating at the individual, family and societal levels. The article highlights the psychological aspects of teacher's ill-treatment of children. It is noted that child abuse at school has two common manifestations. In the first aggressive behavior (physical violence, verbal violence, non-verbal violence). In the second - psychological violence (ignoring and isolation, criticism of the quality of work, negative comments about the child's personal qualities, non-recognition of his successes, control and manipulation, psychological pressure). The psychological essence of this phenomenon is revealed, forms of manifestation, socio-psychological prerequisites of its occurrence in teachers are described. The psychological consequences of abuse are specified: traumas, mental disorders, depression, increased anxiety, low self-esteem, phobias, aggression and destructive behavior. The directions of work on the prevention of this destructive influence in the work of teachers with children are described. It is specified that teacher abuse of children is unacceptable and must be suppressed. Educational institutions should provide a safe and healthy environment for children and provide protection from unacceptable behavior on the part of teachers, implement preventive and intervention measures at the school level.
aggressive behavior, psychological pressure, abuse, negative manifestations, prevention, school
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Для цитирования
Chernomor MA. Social and Pedagogical Problems of Child Abuse: Factors of Occurrence and Prevention. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2024;5(5):180-185. (In Russ.). EDN: XSNEWU
For citation
Chernomor MA. Sensory integration method as a factor of socialization of preschool children with disabilities. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2024;5(5):180-185. (In Russ.). EDN: XSNEWU