Socialization of students of higher educational institutions by means of physical Cultures

Samara State Technical University
Samara State Technical University
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The article deals with the concept, stages and role of the socialisation process of higher education students. A number of theories that form the basis for understanding socialisation are considered: the theory of social learning, the theory of status roles, the theory of identity, the theory of social constructionism. It is defined that socialisation of university students is a consequence of interaction with different environments and aspects of life of higher education institution, such as studies, social environment, cultural events, and teams. It is emphasised that the results of socialisation are changes in human behaviour and thinking. The results of socialisation of a university student can be individual and depend on many factors, such as personal characteristics of the student, his/her participation in various activities, including physical education. The authors describe such an effective means of socialisation as a set of forms and methods of physical culture and sport. The role of physical culture in socialisation of students is proved firstly by means of pedagogical experiment, questionnaires, testing of the experimental group of students, secondly - by organisation of a complex of events of physical culture character. It is proved that physical culture contributes to the successful socialisation of students, influences their acquisition of social skills, knowledge, values, identities necessary for young people. The materials of the article will be of interest to students, their parents, teachers, psychologists of higher education institutions, as well as social workers.
socialisation of youth, adaptation of students, physical culture, model of socialisation of students, level of socialisation of personality

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For citation

Kostromina OV, Avdeeva DA. Socialization of students of higher educational institutions by means of physical culture. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2023;4(4):144-150. (In Russ.).  EDN: FYMFNA


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