The value-sense approach as a tool for shaping schoolchildren’s personality

Multidisciplinary Academy of Continuing Education
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The article is devoted to the actual problem of formation of value orientations of schoolchildren's personality in the context of modern education. The article analyzes the value-sense approach as a tool of education and development of educational strategy. The key aspects of the value-sense approach, its role in the development of personal qualities, as well as methods and techniques of diagnostics and formation of value orientations in schoolchildren are considered. The stages of pupil's development and related stages of value formation are highlighted. The basic values of each age stage are singled out and it is fixed that there are changes of orientation and the child. Approaches to the formation of the value-sense component of the activity of a teacher, parent, student are defined: identification and analysis of value priorities of all subjects of the educational process, development of methodical means of designing emotional reactions to these values in situations of active interaction, development of methodical practical-activity means, which assume the embodiment of value orientations in real life activity and behavior of a person. The primary diagnostic data characterizing value preferences of teachers, parents, schoolchildren are given. Cross-cutting trends characterizing the value sphere of the main participants of the educational process are formulated.
moral position, emotional and value component, stages of mastering moral values, value orientations, value preferences

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For citation

Gam VI. The value-sense approach as a tool for shaping schoolchildren's personality. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2024;5(4):107-112. (In Russ.). EDN: KZCDKD


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