Development of electronic educational and methodical complexes in the organization of professional education

Multidisciplinary Academy of continuing Education
Multidisciplinary Academy of Continuing Education
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
The article substantiates the necessity of introducing electronic teaching and learning complexes in the learning process, as they create fundamentally new pedagogical tools for organizing and managing professional education. The definitions of the electronic teaching and learning complex, its main characteristics, approaches to design and structure are proposed. Based on the analysis of the conditions of the educational process of the Federal Academy of Social Technologies of Omsk, the layout of the electronic teaching and learning complex for the discipline is proposed. To the main components included in the electronic educational-methodical complex, the authors refer the working program of the discipline; information about the discipline, the fund of evaluation means, the training block, including materials of sections of topics; a package of textbooks or references to the main literature, a package of additional materials. It is noted that the expertise of the electronic teaching and learning complex is an important stage in its creation and use. The authors highlight the reasons for conducting the examination: compliance of the content, methods and technologies of the electronic educational and methodological complex with modern educational standards and requirements, preliminary assessment of effectiveness in the educational process (strengths and weaknesses). An additional suite of computer programs used in conjunction with the e-learning suite is proposed, which may include several different programs and tools to enrich the educational experience and provide additional opportunities for learners and instructors.
digital educational resources, electronic educational and methodical complexes, complex of computer programs, expertise

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For citation

Mikhailova VE, Gam AV.Development of electronic educational and methodical complexes in the organization of professional education. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2023;4(5):180-189. (In Russ.). EDN: UQAGCX


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