Didactic aspects of using computer modeling methods in the process of teaching mathematics in higher education institution

Tajik Technical University named after academician M. Osimi
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
This article deals with didactic aspects of using computer modeling in the process of teaching mathematics to students of technical universities. Sections of the course of higher mathematics, where the method of computer modeling can be applied, are presented, examples of application of this method in the topic “Construction of graphs of functions” in different aspects are given. It is shown how exactly it is possible to build function graphs in mathematical way, to build function graphs in Ms. Excel environment, function graphs in Python software environment, function graphs in Maple environment 18. It is clarified that computer simulations allow visualization of complex mathematical concepts and abstractions, making them more accessible to student understanding. The importance of interactivity and the possibility of students' independent work with models is emphasized. It is proved that the use of computer modeling method expands students' interest in the subject and is relevant for engineering students. The prospects of the research are the study of specific effects of different types of modeling on the development of different cognitive abilities of students (spatial thinking, logical thinking, creativity), the study of the effectiveness of using modeling in different educational areas and levels of education. The article will be of interest to university teachers, specialists in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
didactics, teaching methods, vocational training, computer modeling, computer programs, graph of functions
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For citation

Rakhimov АA. Didactic aspects of using computer modeling methods in the process of teaching mathematics in higher education institution. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2024;5(4):144-152. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.54158/27132838_2024_5_4_144 EDN: RJISNA


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