Donetskii meditsinskii kolledzh
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
Abstract. The article discusses the possibilities of interactive training, its tasks and principles of implementation. The essence of interactive learning and its main feature are characterized by stimulating educational activity and immersing them in the process of educational activity. It is noted that the use of interactive learning methods in teaching basic disciplines in a medical college lays the foundations of clinical thinking, provided that an lesson is built with traditional elements - problematization, play, open lecture-visualization, and unconventional. Non-traditional elements of interactive learning include the graphological structures of questions, the analysis of paintings by great artists, the reading and discussion of excerpts from fiction, and the study and analysis of graphs and maps of the spread of specific diseases among the population. The success of interactive learning was assessed using digital dictation, rapid polling, situational tasks, and the competitive group method. The experience of holding a republican integrative student scientific and practical conference-quiz, which included interactive elements, is presented.
interactive teaching methods, visualization of lectures, graphics and maps of the spread of diseases, integrative student conference.
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For citation
Beletskaya VV. Interactive teaching methods in teaching the basic disciplines of a medical college. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2022;3(5):282-287. (In Russ.). EDN: IVQKBL