The concept of “professional interest” in the context of psychological and pedagogical research

Siberian State Industrial University
Siberian State Industrial University
Article type
Research Article
Received, accepted for publication
Vocational interest is a critical factor in the development of vocational skills, personal motivation, and job satisfaction. Understanding vocational interest is critical to successful career guidance. It is one of the key factors in career choice, influencing job satisfaction, performance, and personal development. Knowing one's interests allows one to focus on occupations that will bring not only income but also moral satisfaction. School education lays the foundation for the formation of students' interest in learning new things and orientation to the future profession. The article presents a review of approaches to understanding and formation of professional interest, based on the works of domestic and foreign researchers. In the article the authors consider the stages of formation of professional interest in schoolchildren, starting from the awakening of general cognitive interest and ending with conscious self-determination and preparation for choosing a profession. The key stages of professional interest development are highlighted, which will help to come to an understanding of more accurate diagnostics of the level of professional interest development in a person, to determine his readiness to choose a profession. The study of key stages of professional interest development provides a lot of valuable data that can be used in various fields.
motivation, cognitive interest, professional interest, inner human need, awakening of interest

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For citation

Bezrodnaya ЕА, Shimlina IV. The concept of “professional interest” in the context of psychological and pedagogical research. Science and Practice in Education: Electronic Scientific Journal. 2025;6(1):8-13. (In Russ.). EDN: DCQJNE


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